Michael and the Mumbles
Label: De Stijl
Catalog #: 76074
Before Michael Yonkers would revise the history of recorded music with the clarion chords of Microminiature Love he was in a band called Michael and the Mumbles and they made this self-titled LP in 1966. Upon immediate spins, their would-be debut comes off as a naive, teenage trip thru the typified garage band moves of this era. But repeated spins reveal a darkness beneath what some dullard might only perceive as its crisp, winsome visage. It’s only to a slightly less visible degree that the Mumbles LP has the same characteristics that would make Micro the singularly original piece it is; its emotionally bleak themes, dissonant undercurrents, and recklessly wild performance.
So, once again we have a Michael Yonkers LP that is going to turn the world upside down, make the college girls scream, and leave you wondering how many more times this can happen. Seriously, Pigeon Falls up here looks like a Riot on the Sunset Strip. Indulge yrself.
PS: Michael and the Mumbles is on the king of all known formats (with a digital download coupon, natch). The mastertapes used herein are 45 yrs old and aside from the glitch on “Cold Town” they sound amazing.